History Bytes: Fun Facts about Western Australia to Share with Friends

One of the best things about our world is that we learn new things everyday. Today, we take a look at some fun facts about western AUS to share with your friends!

WA has a LOT of coastline

Western Australia has over 7767 miles of coastline! If you are craving to get some much needed sun and sand time, you will never want for options.

Gold a-plenty

If you have ever heard of the Kalgoorlie mine, you are not the only one! While people dismiss it as a relic of the past, those that are heavily invested in mining and mineral will automatically tell you that this is a pretty special place. Kalgoorlie is the largest source of gold.

We have Diamonds here

Western Australia is a land truly blessed with precious natural resources. The Argyle mine is something that diamond enthusiasts will be rather familiar with. This is due to the fact that this one mine is the largest sources of diamonds in the whole world!

Perth is a great place to live

It was around last year that Perth was listed as the 7th best city to live in and the 4th best city in terms of the sheer amount of street art. Not only will Perth embrace you with a stable economy and safe environment, it will also surround you with artistic talent and culture. Definitely not a bad place to settle down and raise a family, right!

WA has some pretty spectacular natural wonders

If you ever visit Australia, Nature’s Widow is something that you need to see for yourself. As a photographer, it is one of the more spectacular natural treats you can experience. A wind eroded hole creates a rather picturesque picture frame of the views ahead.

There are so many other things that are pretty great about Western Australia and Perth is one of those things. If you are ever in the middle of talking about WA, remember the details above and share these little facts with your friends. Not only will it show your friends that you have a lot to add to the conversation but you also give Western Australia the boost that she truly deserves.